
+90 539 505 46 95


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Project Management


We provide an Infrastructure to the people who provide project management services, and we supervise the progress of the signed contract trend as a project managerIn order to provide a suitable solution, SE has looked thought different methods of managing a project. At the end, we have decided to construct our infrastructure by using “Kanban” methodology.  

The providers, who provide “project management” services, can use our infrastructure in their dashboard easily.  

On the other hand, SE would not leave any signed contract between a provider with a client / investor alone. We supervise its progress in order to reach following results: 


  •  Following our protection policies,  

  •  Making sure all parties are bound to their obligations as we receive all funds based on the contact terms 

  •  To provide any possible service to the provider (if it is necessary) to solve any possible obstacle that may rise in order to execute his/her obligations. 


We execute the above service by using our own infrastructure.